There are 38 churches in the USA/Canada Region that currently average 900-3,000 in worship attendance.  Once a church passes 900 in average attendance, we consider it a K-Church because it has already begun to experience the challenges that come with having over 1,000 in attendance.  These churches are the largest Nazarene churches we have in the USA/Canada Region.  Every January these gifted leaders retreat away together to share best practices, and participate in peer-to-peer learning.  

For decades, many of these churches have had a commitment to raise up high-capacity leaders who are multiplying new ministries, new campuses and sometimes new churches. 

Dozens of future leaders for the Leadership Development pipeline within our denomination come from these K-Churches.  Through the site,  we aim to foster win-win relationships between our High Impact Church Plants and our existing K-Churches. Partner K-Churches can benefit greatly both from networking, learning and sharing their wisdom with the next generation of K-Church leaders God is raising up among us.